Barbara Franchin – Founder & Director
Sergio Drioli – Vice Director, Strategies & Production
Michele de Facchinetti – Art Director, Strategies & Production
Giulia and Aldo Lonciari – Accounting Office
Fabrizio Bressan – Head of Administration Office, Production, Web and ITS Consultant
Giovanni Papalexis – Hospitality Office and Administration
Francesco Sponza – Assistant to Administration Office & Production
Michele Colucci – PA to Director
Fabio Bressan – Creative Director & Video Maker
Martino Pilot – Head of Multimedia Office & Social Networks
Giulio Dambrosi – Multimedia Office
Marco Boncompagno – Assistant to Multimedia Office
Alessandro Offer – Head of Press Office
Federica Marchesich – Assistant to Press Office
Niccolò Coscia – Press Office Intern
Giovanni Ortolani – Head of Schools & Contestants Office
Matea Burmas – Schools & Contestants Office
Irina Ranalli – Schools & Contestants Office
Flavia Cocuccioni – Assistant to Schools & Contestants Office, Event Coordinator for Director
Corrado Canulli – Backstage
Giuseppe Fontani – Hospitality Office Coordinator
Paola Uxa – Assistance to Hospitality Office & Entries
Edoardo Franchin – Assistant to Hospitality Office & Entries
Patrizia Gioffrè – Invitations
Giulia Massarenti – Partners Caring
Davide del Degan – Director of the ITS 2018 video
Pablo Chiereghin – Photography Supervisor


Maurizio Andiloro, Donatella Bolognini, Tommaso Cortivo, Matteo Cracco, Daniela Crismani, Anna Lucky Dalena, Virginia Dordei, Andrea di Filippo, Leonardo Driussi, Lisa Facchinetti, Ivan Gergolet, Havir Gergolet, Massimiliano Grassi, Fabrizio Grum, Sergio Hlacia, Michele Luppi, Emanuela Mechi, Lorenzo Mocarini, Christian Musich, Silvia Pallaver, Lorenzo Pellizzari, Stefano Pettirosso, Chiara Pregara, Camilla Sossi, Gabriele Starini, Elisa Valli, Luca Vendola, Fabrizia Zuzich, Giorgio Walt, all the drivers of our cars and everyone else who has worked for ITS.


THE CITY OF TRIESTE thanks to the Mayor Roberto Dipiazza and Councillor Maurizio Bucci
FONDAZIONE CRTRIESTE thanks to President Massimo Paniccia and to Secretary-General Paolo Santangelo
OTB group especially Renzo Rosso, Antonella Viero, Alessio Cian-Seren and Rina Tollio (Diesel)
SWATCH thanks to Carlo Giordanetti, Maurane Roy and Serena Chiesura
ILLYCAFFE’ especially Chairman Andrea Illy, Art Director Carlo Bach, Giovanna Gregori, Christine Pascolo and Roberta Scarafile
ALLIANZ especially CEO Giacomo Campora, Cinzia Fortunati, Francesca Douglas, Raffaella Zurla
INFIN/ENERLIFE especially Federico, Lorenzo and Paolo Pacorini
TRIESTE TRASPORTI thanks to President Giovanni Longo
TRIESTE TERMINAL PASSEGGERI especially President Franco Napp
TRIESTE AIRPORT FVG, especially President Antonio Marano
MEDIOCREDITO especially President Emilio Casco and Mauro Tion
TOMORROW LONDON HOLDINGS Ltd especially Stefano Martinetto and Luca Corsetti
Everyone at DEVELON especially Lorenzo Gottin, Marco Pietribiasi, Giorgio Dal Maso, Paolo Valentini, Daniele Nabissi and Elena Zilio
EATALY especially Antonio de Paolo, Silvia da Rold and Giulia Cosolini
EUROCAR thanks to Gregor Trojer, Andrea Angeli e Francesca Siciliano
GRAPPA NONINO especially Francesca Bardelli Nonino and Annachiara Zanon
GRUPPO PRAGMA especially Oriana Cok and Silvia Pallaver
HARRY’S Restaurant and Café especially Chef Matteo Metullio and Alex Benvenuti
REPUBBLICA.IT especially Massimo Russo and Simone Marchetti
VOGUE TALENTS thanks to Sara Maino and Elisa Pervinca Bellini
IL PICCOLO especially Editor-in-Chief Enzo d’Antona, Deputy Editor Alberto Bollis, Patrizia Piccione, Benedetta Moro and Beatrice Fiorentino
CARLITOGRAPHY thanks to Carlo Pacorini
EYES ON TALENTS especially Floriane De Saint Pierre, Valentina Maggi, Elizabeth Dieupart and Mariasole Pastori
PIANOB for the Production, especially Mario Viscardi, Stefano Losco, Giulia Miglioli, Giulia Rossi and Gianluca Sottile
MININI thanks to Luciano Minini and Alessia Berengo for the iconic trophies and the amazing ITS Catalogue cover
MOROSO especially Patrizia Moroso and Giuliana De Luca for the beautiful lounge setting
THE OFFICE thanks to Cristiana Fiandra and Rossella Spangaro
AUTORITA’ DI SISTEMA DEL MARE ADRIATICO ORIENTALE especially President Zeno D’Agostino, Secretary Mario Sommariva, Vanna Coslovich, Valentino Tana and Cristian Marzi.
PITTI IMMAGINE especially Raffaello Napoleone, Agostino Poletto, Lapo Cianchi and Riccardo Vannetti (Tutorship)
CAMERA NAZIONALE DELLA MODA ITALIANA especially President Carlo Capasa
ALTAROMA especially President Silvia Venturini Fendi
UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE especially Rector Maurizio Fermeglia
All the jurors for their precious help
All the Colleges and Academies which enrolled in ITS 2018 and all of their teachers and tutors
All former ITS finalists. Way, way too many to list here!
All of the ITS 2018 contestants for enrolling
All of the press that supports and gives space to ITS
Romina Beltramini and Simone Paternich for their precious work
Thanks to Ily Sefhera Archimediadesign
Etta Carignani…your strength and your energy inspire us, we are blessed with your friendship
All of our friends who have supported us and taught us so much, you are all important!
Fashion Show Director and Choreographer Rosemary Ferrari at STUDIO FERRARI and her assistants Guelfa Rugarli, Eleonora Ardenghi, Luciano Pasin and Stella Ferro
Electrosacher Djs for the ITS 2018 soundtrack and for the rest of the music…thanks Gianluca Guerra and Daniele di Blasi!!
Fabrizio Comel for the VJing
Patricija Tomažič, Sarah Taylor, Cesc Gelabert, Rouge Maudit and Piero Bressan for the ITS 2018 intro video and teaser
Massimo Gardone and Azimut Photo for their never-ending support
Angelina Rusin, make up artist for the ITS 2018 intro video and teaser
Tomaz from Immortal Models Management, Lucia Tentor and Gilda Venturini stylist
Giampaolo Penco and Riccardo Dussi at Videoest
The ITS Video troupe filming and interviewing during the event
Alain Winters and his staff for the Hair Styling
Cecilia Carbonelli and friends for the Make Up
STS especially Alberto Pasqualini and Michele de Vita
Grel by Elena Greco for the realisation of the set design
Engineer Giovanni Famulari and Engineer Giorgio Altin for the precious consultancy
All the models and dressers
Photographers Giovanni Giannoni, Gianmaria Gava, Giuliano Koren, Raffaele Cavicchi and Daniele Braida
Renato Colucci for knowing everything there is to know about weather forecasts
Massimiliano Lacota at COOPERATIVA FACCHINI PORTABAGAGLI and DANO RENT for driving everyone back and forth, back and forth, back and forth…
Riccardo Zanellotti from HOTEL SAVOIA EXCELSIOR, Monica and Claudia Coppe at HOTEL COPPE and all of their staff for welcoming our guests
Thanks to Paola Corazza for text editing and translations
Aldo Castigliego and all the staff at Art Group Graphics
Massimo Garbo and Graficart for making the ITS Catalogue possible
All of the former ITS finalists for allowing us to use images of their work for the printed materials and website

designed by EVE Creative Office and Fabio Bressan

The pictures published here were used by kind permission of the photographers, of the photography archives and of the consulted magazines.
Since it is impossible to collect all of the respective reserved rights, EVE S.r.l. apologises for any omission and is available to satisfy any possible request of the like.